NOTE: This intensive workshop is suited for those wanting to explore the practice of Holotropic Breathwork for their own personal development. It also offers the opportunity to practice the role of the sitter according to the requirements of the Holotropic Breathwork Training, the Grof Legacy Training, and other psychedelic-assisted therapy training. FORMAT OF THE WORKSHOP: Double workshop: 4 Holotropic Breathwork sessions (2 as breathers and 2 as sitters holding space). The workshop consists of Holotropic Breathwork sessions with evocative music, bodywork, mandala drawing, and group sharing.
SCHEDULE * Thursday 03/27/25 (5-8:30pm): Meditation and opening circle + Introduction to the theory and practice of Holotropic Breathwork. We will give an overview of Stanislav Grof's life and his map of consciousness based on his work with psychedelic therapies. * We'll introduce the various elements of Holotropic Breathwork (breath, inner healer, the role of the breather, the role of the sitter, the bodywork as well as the music and Mandala drawing).
* Friday and Saturday 03/28-29/25 (9am to 8pm aprox.): 2 daily breathwork sessions where each person will breathe and sit twice + Sharing circle.
* Sunday 03/30/2025 (10am-1pm aprox.) Sharing circle + 2 hour Practice of integration + Talk on the importance of integration following the work with NOSC (Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness) + Q&A
*Integration session: We offer a zoom follow-up and integration session the week after the workshop (dates to be defined)
WHERE: San Francisco, Congretion Sherit Israel
FEE: $750 (no lodging included)
For more info or to register contact Sonia Telle [email protected] 415-6511067